Sunday, July 26, 2009

le gourmand pasta cycle

Its been awhile, but not forgotten.
The last soupcycle happened as a small batch of pasta salad (too hot for soup!) last Sunday and it was the most gourmet I've ever made. ooh deelishishness.
I bought all of the ingredients at Madison Market, early on Sunday morning, sort-of as an expensive whim. Upon returning I spread out my bounty on the kitchen table, admired it for awhile and then went to town cutting olives, roma tomatoes, parsley, green onion, roasted red peppers, green peppers, and a bunch of other stuff that I can't remember right now...
Anyway, it all came together with Katie's expert chopping help and once it was all tossed and marinating in redwine vinagrette, we divided it into as many containers as we had (about 18 or so) and off with the bob and cooler we went.
It ended up being the shortest soupcycle ever since we live at the top of Jackson and a really long gradual hill leads straight to the International District, Pioneer Square, and other gathering places of the people we serve. After about 30 minutes, the salad was gone and we biked back home, satisfied with the morning.
I ate some that I had set aside for lunch and then headed out for a hike with friends.
Have I ever mentioned that soupcycle sundays are the best? Well, they are.
thanks katie, and thanks mad market for keeping your groceries fresh, organic, mostly local, and worth a pretty penny.
Next month, potato salad.
love, shelly