Tuesday, November 25, 2008


A HUGE thank you to all! Our first soup cycle went really well on Sunday. We (a shout out to Jeremy & Renata who are culinary pros) cooked up enough potatoes, onions and roasted garlic for 8 big containers of soup, then used a bin & blanket to insulate, which sat in Jake & Jean's bob trailer. The whole system worked great. We rode around in the international district and pioneer square. Each person receiving soup expressed gratitude, but also asked for a spoon...
Next time we will have spoons.

I know we will definitely do this again, just not sure if it will happen in December. I think if it does, we should try for a solstice soup cycle on the 21st. Let me know if you are in, and I'll let you know if its happening closer to the date.

Thanks, thanks, thanks a million times over.

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