Monday, January 19, 2009

carrots, zucchini, onions

Oi! Less than one week until Soup Cycle, Oh Nine! Be there!

I still have zero ingredients for this one. Also, since I haven't really arranged for it to be at anyone's house in particular, I think CWB is the default. I'll start cooking at 10:00.

This is the least organized soup cycle yet, and I wonder if this silly blog is partly at fault. I feel rather disconnected from my previously strong supporters of this project. Hmmm....
Or, it could be that school is like a giant life-eating monster. As a side note, I started drawing the Mac apple logo performing different subversive acts, and I have one where it is a monster eating the city of Seattle. How that relates to soup cycle? I will let you decide.

Ok, so if you are reading this - I need ingredients!!
Check out the recipe - ANYTHING you can donate would be so wonderful.

Lets all do a little dance this week (the Kubb victory dance works) so that the sun stays with us a little longer, at least through Sunday. It does wonders for the soul.

Love to all,


  1. goshdarnit, one of these days I will come to soup cycle, but alas this weekend is not the day. it's hat damn all consuming coffee exhibit!

  2. coffee!! i'm glad its opened and done. finally.
    hey i just thought i'd let y'all know that i;m listening to the heartless bastards and i love this band. good for me in the state i am in.
    see you sunday - (those althat will come!)
    love, sal
