Friday, February 20, 2009

let's talk soup

Did you not love that show (talk soup) when it was on a long time ago? I have no idea what happened to it since I left the world of TV ten years ago, but that show was hilarious back in the day.

OK, here's an update on soupcycle for this coming Sunday. So far it is me and Jean cooking soup in the CWB gallery, and joining forces with Zulu Brian who is cooking up his own batch. Julia and Ryan have graciously and unknowingly donated a head of cauliflower and the use of their hand blender while they are out of town. Thanks! The rest of the ingredients will be purchased using the remaining funds donated from my mom...but we could still use someone that is willing to dumpster for bread. We also need more containers. If you have any please drop them off in the CWB galley - there is a bag above the fridge just for this purpose.
Like always we'll start cooking at 10:00, cycle it around at 12:30 or so, and head over to the weekly soccer game around 2. Soupcycle Sundays always feel like perfect Sundays to me.

Alright - this was a very tame posting, but there's not much more to say. I just hope the sun stays with us like the last few days. Oh man, spring is almost here.


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